A friend of mine started a project called »PATCH Project«. The project is a collection of open-source prostheses for children in developing countries.
PATCH Project – Open Source Prostheses

A friend of mine started a project called »PATCH Project«. The project is a collection of open-source prostheses for children in developing countries.
The problem is big: 7,250,000,000 Pounds – that is the estimated amount of plastic in our oceans. Boyan Slat is a student of the university in Delft (NL) and he came up with a solution for this problem.
Google announced a new project called »LOONS«. The project is a solution to connect more people to the internet. The reason for that is, that still two-thirds of the worlds population does not have a proper access to the internet. So there is a need for a easy and cheap solution!
If you buy a can of tuna or a pizza with sea food, do you know where all these fishes and shells came from? I guess you don’t and if you care the company “follow fish” might be interesting for you.