The most air pollution is caused by transport vehicles like cars. Most of the time people are driving alone to work or to buy groceries. This causes traffics jams, air pollution and noise. The on-road vehicles are responsible for over a third of the global carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides amounts in our atmosphere. The health threads are higher for people living in crowded cities and the CO2-Emission can reduce the lifetime by 2-3 years.
Tag: sustainability
Recently Google and Motorola collaborated with Designer Dave Hakkens and they want to produce the modular smartphone. What is a modular smartphone and why is it like Lego?
Leather and meat without killing animals
Leather and meat without killing animals sounds great for me! But how is that possible and what are the advantages and disadvantages? Andras Forgacs comes up with a solution which is not only realizable and has a lot of advantages. It is already working!
Fashion is a really big problem for our environment and health. Read here what the problems and which companies solve and avoid these issues. Find an overview over fashion brands who are producing responsible and eco-friendly products.
Sustainability in your daily routine
If you think about your daily routines and what you are doing everyday I’m sure you will find somethings you can improve easily to make your day a bit more sustainable without limit yourself. Find some ideas here.