
More than Honey – The dying of the bees (documentary)

Since four years the bees are dying in a lot of countries around the world. The reason why they are dying and what the problem is, is still a mystery. The documentary »More than honey« is looking for an answer!Bees are very important for our life on earth. They pollinate flowers and they ensure that our food, like nuts, vegetables, spices and plant oil is available.

But since the late 90’s the population of bees is decreasing and the mortality rate is increasing. Why? There could be different reasons why. Vanishing habitats, climatic change, parasites and different diseases. But the main reason is probably pesticides. So far there aren’t many options to to get rid of these pesticides but Greenpeace figured out which pesticides need to be forbidden by law. The majority of EU countries support banning specific pesticides. To learn more about that I recommend to watch the movie »More than honey« and visit this website from Greenpeace: Bees decline

Markus Imhoof is the producer of this documentary and tells an interesting story about bees, beekeepers and the future of bees.

Take a look at the trailer to get an idea:

IMDb Score: 7,4 – Get it on Amazon here (BluRay or DVD)

Image by: Maja Dumat – (CC-BY-2.0)