A lot of different quality seals are on the products we use daily. It requires some time to figure out what each one of them mean. Ecological, sustainable production or fair trade – A quality seal should help the customer to orientate in the product jungle. Take a look at a lot of different seals here!
Category: Problems
Problems around the planet like fracking, oil drilling, shortage of food and water. Not only problems which are harming the environment also what is a big problem for humans.

Why are trees in general so important for our environment and how much CO2 can a tree absorb in a year? Trees are very important, they are the lungs of our planet! Learn about the biggest forests and their use here.

While browsing the internet I found the interesting national anthem of the Seychelles. It’s interesting what the countries are singing about in their national anthems and so far the Seychelles have the most awesome in my opinion. I really like the lyrics.
Why you should ride a bike

The most air pollution is caused by transport vehicles like cars. Most of the time people are driving alone to work or to buy groceries. This causes traffics jams, air pollution and noise. The on-road vehicles are responsible for over a third of the global carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides amounts in our atmosphere. The health threads are higher for people living in crowded cities and the CO2-Emission can reduce the lifetime by 2-3 years.

Is global warming a myth or a real serious issue? Well there are a lot of opinions and so livescience.com compared the last climate change report from 2013 with the 2007 climate change report. Take a look at the results.

Fashion is a really big problem for our environment and health. Read here what the problems and which companies solve and avoid these issues. Find an overview over fashion brands who are producing responsible and eco-friendly products.

Shell planned to drill for oil in the arctic area. So far they weren’t really successful and after a few embarrassing attempts Royal Dutch Shell decided not to go there again in 2013. To prevent further attempts and to make the arctic a nature sanctuary Greenpeace came up with some ideas!
The breathing/pulsing of the Earth

These pictures of our Earth let it looks like it is breathing. A deep breath in and out. Or is it more like a heartbeat? John Nelson visualized twelve cloud-free images provided by the NASA to this awesome GIF