Have you heard of fracking? You probably have and asked yourself what is fracking? The answer to this question provides a website called dangersoffracking.com.
What is Fracking?

Ideas which came true and are now projects. Projects which provide help for humans and our planet. Beautiful projects about what to with trash and why recycling is so important. Read why plastic is a dangerous but also useful resource and learn about new ways to produce fuel out of plastic or even bananas. Where can you get some free fruits or vegetables? Why do corals love art and why does a duck need 3D-Printer? There are a lot of really nice projects!
Have you heard of fracking? You probably have and asked yourself what is fracking? The answer to this question provides a website called dangersoffracking.com.
Maybe you have been happy because you found a tree with apples on it while taking a walk. With this awesome project you can plan your walking route to pick up more fruits, herbs and more!
Every year refundable bottles worth 172 million Euros end up in trash cans and will never see the supermarket where they come from again. That is a lot of money and a lot of people could use this money. How?
In 2010 a Dutch start-up company was founded to create a new smartphone which is responsible-minded manufactured. That sounds kind of easy but actually it isn’t. Smartphones contain a lot of different and hard to get resources and materials.
Approximately 5,6 Trillion cigarettes were smoked every year and about 4,5 cigarette butts will hit the ground. A solution for this comes from an industrial designer named Ben Forman. He is working for IDEO in London.
Tons of garbage are getting washed up on the beaches of Kenya (Africa). Old flip-flop slippers are a big part of this mass of trash. See how useful the trash can be!
Do we know what we buy these days? Which company produces which product and are there any unwanted ingredients inside? The app »Buycott« (iOS & Android) helps out with these problems and provides some other nice features!
Not only humans have advantages by using the new 3D-Printing technique. Buttercup the duck was born with a backwards foot and now he will be able to walk with a 3D-Print foot.
Plaster casts are almost the only thing to heal a broken bone. They heal it but they also make your skin smelly and itchy. Jake Evill maybe has the solution to get rid of this annoying plaster cast.
The amount of food we waste in the industrial countries is massive. About 90 million tonnes are going to the trash can every year in Europe and about a third of all the produced food for human consumption is getting wasted.